Sunday, August 28, 2016

Project Axe Fight Update #001

Started a new project, sort of, it's really just a continuation of a game I started over 1.5 years ago with a friend as our attempt for the Ludum Dare #31 game jam. We started off writing the game in C++ using SDL, but that didn't work out so well as I was a bit rusty with both C++ and SDL at the time. Recently I've decided I would try to actually make the game but just using something simple, i.e. Game Maker Studios.

Here's a video of the game's current progress after 1 weekend of work. Art was done entirely during the game jam 1.5 years ago, so this weekend was spent entirely on current functionalities and design.

Project Axe Fight (title is definitely a work in progress) is a simple multiplayer competitive action platformer, similar to Tower Fall. Players can move and jump around the level, contained entirely within game's screen, so no camera movement. Pick up weapons and power ups, to fight. During the game jam we decided to stick with just 3 weapons to start off with, the Axe, the primary weapon with which only one spawns at the start, the Hammer, and the Bomb.

The Axe is thrown in an arc and upon hitting another player, that player is killed.
The Hammer is thrown in a straight path, meaning it isn't affected by gravity, until it hits something.
The Bomb is also thrown in an arc but after a short duration the bomb explodes, killing all players near it, including the player that threw it (up for debate whether suicide).

The movement system consists of simply walking for horizontal traversal, variable jump speed (hold button down to jump higher, and wall jumping.

There are also bouncy pads that can be used to jump higher, faster, and will even affect thrown weapons.

There is currently no health system planned as it's entirely one-hit kills.

~ RogueTemplar

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