Friday, September 23, 2011

Long Time No Post

Let's see, it's been about 4 months since my last post... I've done a bit since then... sort of. Over these past summer months I've worked on various projects.

I've continued work on my RTS (Real-Time Strategy) project briefly which I mentioned in a previous post, it's an RTS made in C# using the XNA framework. I didn't do too much with it, only reworking some of the tools which I will be using/have been using for my Top-Down Shooter of these previous posts, Project Red Rex, as well as cleaning up some of the code a bit. Some day I'll get around to fully working on this RTS of mine, probably just start off, or at least redo a bunch of the code as it's quite messy. The project wasn't a high priority project of mine, it was just something I felt like doing at the time so I started that project.

I worked a bit on Project Red Rex a bit more, though not much has changed since my previous post about it. I don't remember exactly what's changed but not much. When I get around to working on it again I'll post an update about it with any possible changes.

I've also started 4 new projects over this summer.
  • One being a game similar to Worms... sort of... basically it was to have two sides and you played as a wizard who would sit atop his fortress casting spells at the enemy wizard who was sitting atop their fortress on the other side of the screen. The game was to include some RPG progression, multiple types of spells, possible spell/skill trees to advance further into as well as some items that boosted various attributes of your wizard character. Unfortunately I didn't get too far into that yet, only some basic ground work going so far. One of these days I'll go back to it. I tend to cycle my projects around.
  • Back in July I had applied for an entry level game programming position and was turned down due to my lack of C++ knowledge. Having used C++ all throughout my college career and even in my last year of high school as well as in my free time, I was a bit confused as to why I was told this, so I started working on some C++ tutorials using SDL. I quickly finished some tutorials with that which I found at Around that time I was playing a lot of Minecraft and as well as playing some Dwarf Fortress and Dungeons of Dredmor for the first time. One thing these all had in common was the random worlds you play in which was something I liked. I had also been playing a lot of Titan Quest prior to those as well which is a game similar to Diablo. So I decided to use that recently learned knowledge of SDL to create an Action-RPG similar to Diablo and Titan Quest with some randomization in the environments like randomly generating dungeons as well as in the loot system. I'm still working out the design of this game but I've been programming this for the past month quite a bit, well actually almost 2-3 months if you count the SDL tutorials which I worked off of and eventually molded into what I have now. I also added in OpenGL support some time in August as SDL didn't cover all my needs, it's a very basic library, powerful, but still too basic for what I need. So far I've only done some engine work and progress so far with that has been great.

  • Some time about mid-August I joined a group of indie game developers as the lead programmer as they didn't have any programmers available at the time. I joined as lead programmer to work on their very first project as a group and we're still working on this project. Over the past month we've been working on a side-scrolling platformer game using the Unity game engine. Progress has been great so far and I won't really talk about it much other than that as this blog will only include my own personal projects or projects of the team I am apart of, as in one I create(d). So I'll keep other studios work out of this blog if possible. The great thing about this project is I'll be compensated for my work when possible, they're a start up team so no budget right now but after release I will be. I'll also be able to add it as a bullet point on my resume.
  • With my student loans coming up soon as well as other bills to pay and me still not having full time work I've decided to start creating my on Android games to sell on the Android market to bring a bit of income while I search. I hadn't thought too much about making Android games, but after seeing my Uncle this past weekend he was telling me about one of his sons' friends who had created his own Android/iPhone apps and even made enough money doing so he was able to quit his day job. That convinced me to start working on my own Android games, not iPhone as I don't own one so it'll be difficult for me to create something when I can't test it much, also I don't really like Apple for many reasons. So the other night I was having a hard time trying to sleep, it was something like 6am and I was just lying in bed trying to fall asleep when I decided to start developing for the Android platform. So I started doing a bit of coding in Java for the Android and I hope to have a full game created within a week. Not necessarily a week from yesterday when I started, which all I've done was go through a few tutorials to familiarize myself with the Android SDK, but by the end of next week I hope to have a playable game that I can put up on the Android market. I plan on just starting off simple and then working my way up to more complex games over time, but hopefully I can use this to generate a bit of income while I work on my projects.
I'm now at 3 current projects... currently, the Action-RPG in C++ using SDL and OpenGL, the Side-Scrolling Platformer using Unity for this indie development team I mentioned, and now this new Android game made with Java. This Android game I'm not entirely sure of what I want to create, though I have some ideas and hopefully it goes smoothly so I can get it out there as soon as possible.

Well that's long enough of a post, I'll come back more often hopefully to leave updates, for now, that's all.

~ RogueTemplar (a.k.a Icedmetal57)

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