Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Heart Realm Update #007

It's been a while since I've posted an update. First off, I started working on a board game version of one of my other games at the beginning of June. Then in June I started a second job so I was working two jobs and figured it'd better to spend my time developing a board game in the little amount free time I had so I continued doing that for a little while. Last week was when I finished working at my previous job so now I'm just working one job and so I have more free time to develop. Since I have more free time I continued working on Heart Realm.

For the past week or so I worked on a few things. For starters I worked on line-of-sight based vision where it basically just blacks out anything outside the player's line of sight where objects can block the sight. Currently it's in an early stage so the game does take a little bit of a performance hit. The game doesn't run really slow or anything, but there's definitely a big difference in performance with it compared to without it.

Aside from line-of-sight I made a very basic form of a dialog window. Right now it's just a generic looking window that shows up on screen with custom text and can be displayed for a time limit or until desired. I will probably do something where you simply just press a key to close the window, click the window, or whatever.

I also worked on map transitions where you can step in into a portal and it instantly transports you to a new map. Besides these few things that's about it. I have a feeling that these updates will be a bit shorter than some of my previous updates due to me working more than I was a few months ago, so there is less free time for development.

~ Rogue Templar

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